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Woodhead - Molex

Woodhead - Molex LOGO

Molex makes a connected world possible by enabling technology that transforms the future and improves lives. By continually adapting to help customers advance designs in the areas of greatest impact, they join those who share their mission to create breakthroughs that propel the world forward. With a presence in more than 40 countries, Molex offers a full range of connectivity solutions for markets that include data communications, medical, industrial, automotive and consumer electronics.

Kategória produktov

Počítačové vybavenie

Konektory, prepojenia

Vývojové dosky, súpravy, programátory

Ventilátory, tepelný manažment

Tlmivky, cievky, tlmivky

Ochrana linky, distribúcia, zálohovanie

Motory, solenoidy, dosky/moduly ovládačov

Optické kontrolné zariadenia

Napájacie zdroje – externé/interné (mimo dosku)

Prototypovanie, výroba produktov

Pásky, lepidlá, materiály

Nezaradené do kategórie
